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Is Fox ditching Trump?

One has to wonder.

I don’t even have a TV, and if I did, I’d still let the folks at Crooks & Liars watch Fox for me, but from what a gather from reading about the folks at Fox, and Brian Kilmeade in particular, one must wonder if a decision has been made that it is time to put the orange one behind them, and latch on to some other fascist:

Fox News host Brian Kilmeade took a shot at former President Donald Trump for his “unhinged” lies about the 2020 presidential election.

While speaking about the Jan. 6 hearings, Kilmeade recalled his interactions with Trump following the last presidential election.

“The president was unhinged during that period,” the Fox News host said. “I interviewed him at West Point and he was kind enough to give me a few minutes. I’ve never seen him so angry. That was in between the election and Jan. 6.”

“As soon as we were done, he just stormed off,” he continued. “And you know how long — I’ve known him for 15 years or 20 years prior to him going to the White House. I’ve never seen him so angry.”

Kilmeade added: “So he’s convinced he was robbed. There’s no doubt about it. But I have not seen any evidence and these are all incremental examples.”

The last paragraph is the money shot, it seems to me. It’s not as if the folks at Fox & Friends have been busy rebutting claims that the election was stolen, but if they start saying the true part out loud then it can only mean they would like to consign the genius to the dustbin of history.

I was always somewhat amazed that so much of the Republican establishment clung to Trump, and didn’t follow the pattern they set with GW, who disappeared down the memory hole on January 21, 2013. After all, they got what they wanted from him, as the Supreme Court proves on a daily basis.

Perhaps the internet makes that impossible, as there are so many different sources of “information” to which the whackjobs can turn if they aren’t fed red meat from the usual sources. Still, it makes sense from a tactical point of view for them to ditch Trump and find another fascist they can sell to the ever gullible American people.

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