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Does she contradict herself?

It’s not exactly an original observation, inasmuch as Republican irrationality is nothing new, but this one really struck me. It seems that Ronna McDaniel wants to know why Republicans are not voting for every single Republican, no matter how half assed or fascistic, or both, that a given candidate may be, as we find when she is confronted even in the friendly environs of Fox News:

“Would you publicly say that Donald Trump bears any responsibility for some of the losses in the midterm elections?” Varney asked McDaniel.

“You know, I don’t like this,” McDaniel said. “I don’t like these parceling out because he supported Ted Budd, who won. And he supported J.D. Vance, who won.”

But why are Republicans going and voting for one Republican and not the other?” she asked.

“Trump,” Varney shot back. “Isn’t that the answer to your question? You actually posed a question. The answer is Trump. Isn’t it?”

“I’m saying I’m not into the blame game right now,” McDaniel replied. “I think we’ve got to do an analysis. I think it’s too quick.”

So apparently McDaniel really wants to blame someone for the Republican’s relatively dismal mid-term performance, but on the other hand, she doesn’t want to blame anyone if that anyone happens to be Donald Trump. There must be a way to blame Democrats for the fact that Republicans aren’t voting for Republicans.

This exchange is enlightening for the fact that Varney pushed her to blame Trump. Fox has apparently made a decision that it’s time for Trump to go down the memory hole, but 99% of Republican politicians are still too afraid to go there.

McDaniel is right that Republicans need to figure out why they are becoming unpopular with the non-fascists who still cling to the “R” label, but it’s unlikely that any analysis they do will come up with reasonable answers. If they astound us and do come up with reasonable answers, you can bet that Republican politicians will pay no attention. In the next two years, for example, we can expect the Republicans to do all they can to wreck the economy so they can blame it on Biden, pursue pointless “investigations” that will make Behngazi look statesmanlike, and prove beyond doubt that if given the opportunity they would strip Americans of rights that have been seen as basic for generations. One thing we can not expect is any significant number of Republicans putting the constitution, country, or the public interest over party.

Alas, they may get away with it, since there’s every reason to believe the Supreme Court will give them the right to legally steal elections and legislative majorities through voter suppression and gerrymandering.

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