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Good points

Thursday night we celebrated the 15th anniversary of the New London Drinking Liberally group that I helped found what seems like eons ago. We’ve had folks come and go, but there’s some who have been coming for all of those 15 years.

Last night one of those veterans brought me an article he had printed off the net. It is on a subject about which I’ve bloviated in the past, so he thought I’d be interested. He said he had difficulty getting a link, so that’s why he printed it. This morning I managed to track it down, and while there are some minor discrepancies between what he gave me and what I found, it’s by the same author and the substance is the same.

The bloviatable (new word) subject is the woeful inability of Democrats to come up with messaging that works. The writer, a fellow by the name of Joe Petrillo who goes by a pen name of Trenz Pruca (no idea why) makes some good points, so I’m passing the link along. It’s a few months old, but new to me.

The gist of it is that we should simplify our message while addressing the issues people care about. Here’s a for instance:

the Democrats will save your children from the threat of death from government supported weapons of war.

There are a lot of people who aren’t terribly thrilled about the fact that their kindergarten aged kids have to go through armed shooter drills. Fire drills are one thing, the prospect of being shot is another. Republicans appeal to the shooters, we should appeal to the shootees, so to speak. The list goes on and we can only hope that some Democrats will start thinking in these terms.

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