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Today’s rant

As this is my blog I have every right to gripe endlessly about certain subjects. Today I’m combining one old gripe with one I don’t think I’ve ever bloviated about before.

First up, yet another gripe about the inability of Democrats to get their message across. What led to this was this article at the Boston Globe which tells us:

Two years into a presidency that the White House casts as the most effective in modern history, President Biden is set to deliver a State of the Union address Tuesday to a skeptical country with a majority of Americans saying they do not believe he has achieved much since taking office, according to a Washington Post-ABC News poll.

The poll finds that 62 percent of Americans think Biden has accomplished “not very much’’ or “little or nothing’’ during his presidency, while 36 percent say he has accomplished “a great deal’’ or “a good amount.’’ On many of Biden’s signature initiatives — from improving the country’s infrastructure to making electric vehicles more affordable to creating jobs — majorities of Americans say they do not believe he has made progress, the poll finds.

While the Democrats had a thin majority (thanks Manchin and Sinema), against strong odds they still accomplished a lot, but it’s not surprising that the American people are largely unaware of that fact, inasmuch as Democrats suck at messaging. The Republicans have been more successful demonizing a group (transgender folks) who are totally harmless and are a microscopic percentage of our population, at the same time that they’ve glorified guns. If they can sell that sort of stuff Democrats can sell improved Medicare benefits, infrastructure improvements, etc.

It’s not just the Democrats fault, of course. The media, and not just Fox, would rather cover the latest tweet by idiots like Gaetz and Greene than enlighten the public about mundane stuff like solid Democratic achievements. After all, everyone already knows that only Democrats ever do anything that actually improves the life of normal people. It’s old news. Why bother to cover such things when Donald Trump just issued another deranged tweet.

Still, if the Democrats kept pounding, and attacked the media for not covering this stuff, the media would come around. They did when Republicans attacked them for “liberal bias”, thenceforward bending over backwards to both sides everything. (I mean, some people say the earth is flat, so who are we to be dogmatic?)

Now, on to my other gripe. I only learned today that back in November France required every parking lot to install solar panels over all their parking spaces. How can we let France beat us at this sort of thing! As the linked article demonstrates, t’s a no-brainer, as is a requirement that all new construction incorporate solar systems whenever feasible. This may happen in the USA sometime before the year 2100, assuming we haven’t gone full fascist by then, but don’t count on it.

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