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A brief Super Bowl day rant having nothing to do with the Super Bowl

There are a lot of things to rant about these days, and this rant is likely on one of the least important topics, but it’s still indicative of something that is seriously wrong with our media ecosystem.

There are certain politicians who should be nonentities, yet they tend to attract about 90% of the media attention. I refer to people like Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, et. al. All they have to do to get attention is say something absolutely absurd. Meanwhile, serious legislators, like our own Joe Courtney, go about doing their jobs and go unnoticed.

If the media reported on the nonentities, but treated them as they deserved, that would be one thing. But they get to bloviate endlessly while those who seriously want to get things done are largely ignored. What, for example, has Majorie Taylor Greene ever actually accomplished, other than reducing Kevin McCarthy to a bowl of quivering jelly? Has she ever done anything of use to her consitituents, never mind the country? She’s in it for the attention, and she gets all she wants.

The more the system rewards such people, the more such people we will get. We have a tenuous hold on our democracy at the moment, and the more such politicians we get the more tenuous that hold will become.

End of rant.

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