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A low level rant

I get most of my news from various blogs. While they tend to be left of center sort of places, I think I’m fairly good at separating the wheat from the chaff, that is, fact from opinion.

It occurred to me a few days ago that one must wonder why certain bloggers have not been elevated to positions in the mainstream. After all, people like Bret Stephens and David Brooks, who were elevated to the New York Times from conservative publications such as the National Review, are pretty much a fixture on the op-ed pages of the nation. It doesn’t matter that they are almost always wrong about everything they dribble out. See the various posts at Driftglass re Mr. Brooks to see his sins well documented.

One of the most impressive bloggers, if you can even call her that rather than an investigative reporter, is Marcy Wheeler at Emptywheel. She has done an unbelievable job covering the various legal proceedings that have arisen as a result of the criminality of the four years of the Trump administration, along with other significant legal proceedings that have occurred. If I were a lawyer involved in any of those cases I would have read her faithfully because the chances are she would have caught things that I didn’t. Unlike folks like Brooks, she is usually, in fact almost always, right. I recall, for instance, that from the start she accurately predicted John Durham’s repeated failures while taking apart the flimsy cases on which he embarked.

I confess that there are times when she goes so deep into the weeds that I merely scan some of her posts, but that only proves how meticulous she is in documenting everything she says, and, in the process, emphasizing the important aspects of a case.

At the very least, you would think that a publication like the New York Times would get her to do a guest op-ed about the ongoing cases against Trump, but the likelihood of that is zero. On the other hand, if she started bloviating about Hunter Biden, with zero evidence to back her up, she might get such a spot.

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