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Something missing from the White House cocaine reporting

I should start this by saying that I haven’t read everything out there about the cocaine discovered in the White House, but what I have read leaves me wondering: why isn’t the most obvious possible source of the cocaine being bandied about, rather than focusing on Hunter Biden or Joe?

The cocaine was found in an area where tourists are supposed to leave their cell phones, etc. In other words, a location accessible to anyone and a location it is unlikely that Hunter would be required to visit. It also seems unlikely that the cocaine was left there by accident.

There are only two plausible explanations. One, is that a cocaine sniffing tourist decided he or she should leave their cocaine, which he or she inexplicably took with them to the White House, somewhere it was most likely to be found, rather than keep it in their pocket as they strolled through the White House. The other is that a right wing type left it there precisely so it could be blamed on the Bidens. Personally, I go with option two. Whoever left it there wanted it to be found.

In a not so distant past the “it must be Hunter” story would have had no legs, but we are now at the point where any unhinged story, no matter how easily it is to logically destroy it, will have legs with a large percentage of the folks Driftglass refers to as “reprogrammable meatbags”. But logic has no place in the American discourse anymore. Why can’t I come to terms with that?

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