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Yet another modest proposal

While reading this post over at Hullabaloo I got to wondering about two things about the Hunter Biden thing. I wondered, first, why it is proper to have a special counsel to go after someone who has never held a position in government and to investigate crimes in which there’s not a scintilla of evidence, if crimes they were, that any public official was involved.

But, putting that aside, I also wondered why 1) no special counsel has been appointed to investigate Jared Kushner’s transition from assistant to the president to immediate recipient, once he was out of office, of 2 billion dollars from the countries with which he interacted while allegedly working on behalf of the American people, and 2) why the Democrats have not been demanding the appointment of such a special counsel for the past three years.

So I decided to write this post. It’s about time that the Democrats started counter-attacking. After all, the Kushner crimes mirror the alleged crimes of Hunter Biden, except for the fact that there’s more evidence of criminality, there’s far more more money involved, and Kushner was in a better position than Hunter to supply some quid for the Saudi quo.

Alas, digby beat me to the punch, and made the same point. Still, it’s well worth repeating. It can’t hurt if we continually expose Republican hypocrisy. We’ll never win over the nutjobs, but there are still a lot of low information voters who aren’t fascists but aren’t yet aware that Republicans are fascists. I read somewhere that Trump has often told people that if you repeat something often enough people will believe it. If it works with lies it should work slightly better with the truth.

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