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Looking back on a horrible no good year!

I’m sitting here on the First of January, having spent yet another New Years Eve doing nothing, and remembering what a horrible year I had last year, all because, as they’ll tell you on Fox, of Joe Biden, who is personally responsible for anything that goes wrong. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about this stuff, and I’ve seen the light. The folks at Fox are right. It’s all Joe Biden’s fault and everything was great when Trump was president.

Sure, my 401k is worth more now than it was a year ago, but that’s small consolation for all the other financial woes we had in the course of the year. When Trump was president everything was great, but last year we had to replace our washing machine here at home, the refrigerator at our house in Vermont, pay for roof repairs at our house in Vermont (and don’t start rolling your eyes about someone with two houses complaining about their money woes), besides paying for expensive stuff that we didn’t really need but ended up buying anyway. And that’s not to mention the stovetop microwave that’s not working right, and the sink in the downstairs bathroom that needs replacement. The sink is less than 80 years old and it already needs to be replaced! None of this would have happened if it wasn’t for Joe Biden, who is also trying to keep me from getting a gas stove that I don’t want. Sure, the economy is supposedly doing great, but the little guy like me still can’t get everything he wants for nothing, like those immigrants in those caravans can.

And it’s not just financial woes. I think I’ve mentioned that I spend a lot of time on my bicycle, but I hardly came within 1000 miles this year of the number of miles I biked in 2020, and why was I able to do so much that year? Because Donald Trump helped make sure there was nothing else to do, like see other people, travel, eat out or just go shopping. If Trump had been president in 2023 I bet he’d have managed to make sure that I could concentrate solely on bike riding, instead of all those other frivolous activities. I mean, what’s so great about being with other people, getting to know your grandchildren, and seeing friends and relatives?

And what about the weather? Ever since Biden got in, the weather has been awful. It rains all the time, and when it doesn’t it’s cloudy, and when the sun shines it’s too hot. We didn’t have a White Christmas, did we? But you can bet it will probably snow soon and screw things up. Hardly anyone remembers that the weather was always perfect when Trump was president. And have you noticed how the sun rises really late and sets really early lately? We had way more daylight when Trump was president

I could go on, but really, isn’t it all obvious? It’s really disgusting how a senile guy like Joe Biden can so craftily undermine the country while making it look like things are going well.

Looking on the bright side, maybe this post can get me a spot on Fox and Friends.

All this being said, Happy New Year to anyone who happens to read this.

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