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I’m a Swiftie now!

I just realized that I have not weighed in on what appears to be the most important issue of the day, so I want to make my position clear:

  1. I am positively glad that Taylor Swift won another Grammy even though, so far as I know, I’ve never heard one of her songs. I’m even thinking about checking up on her music one of these days, if I can stop listening to stuff from the sixties and seventies for a while.
  2. I’m rooting hard for the Kansas City Chiefs to win the Super Bowl even though in past years I have prided myself on being among the last to know who won said Super Bowl, which is an indication of how much I care about football generally.
  3. I’m positively in awe of the fact that Taylor Swift has been secretly carrying on psy-op operations for years and has managed to keep it under wraps until just recently. Also, I have to reluctantly hand it to the folks at Fox that did the uncovering. It must have taken a lot of hard working journalism to do it, and who ever heard of the people at Fox committing journalism!

I know these positions are controversial, but I feel I owe it to my readers (if they exist) to be upfront about these things.

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