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For sale to the highest bidder

I’m not sure how much attention this story is getting, but it should be featured in the media rather prominently. It appears that RFK Jr., has concluded that he is not, after all, going to win the presidency, so he is up for selling his endorsement to the highest bidder, the consideration being a cabinet post in the new administration of whatever party happens to win.

The Harris people have told him to shove it, or as he put it “We’ve been told that they have no interest in talking with me.”

The Trump folks have, of course, not said no, but they have not yet gotten to yes. If the current polling trend continues, I’m guessing they will get to yes, promising him the “public health leadership” post (Just where he could do the most harm) he’s asking for in return for him delivering his supporters to Trump. Months ago the thinking was that he’d draw supporters from Biden, but it has become clear over the last few months that he’s drawing votes from Trump. Trump is showing signs of panic already, and it’s practically a sure bet that he’ll grasp at any straw to try to win. After all, just because he’d have to promise Kennedy a cabinet post, he wouldn’t actually have to give it to him. Sort of like stiffing your contractors, etc.

I’m sure the Harris folks would prefer that Kennedy remain on the ballot in some of the swing states. He’s already off the ballot in New York, as they have this weird rule against fraud there, but New York is a lock. We want him on the ballot in places like Wisconsin, where all he has to do is draw one or two percent of the whackjobs to hand the state to Harris.

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  1. CT Blue › RFJ Jr. drops out on Friday, August 23, 2024 at 4:34 pm

    […] is a bit of a follow up to my post from a week ago, in which I made the not terribly difficult prediction that RFK Jr. would drop out […]