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This article in the New London Day brought back memories. The Day reports that Old Lyme Democrats are using tracking technology to find the folks that are stealing their signs. There’s no indication that Republican signs are being stolen.

Back in 1980 I was actually planning on voting for Barry Commoner, but with a few days to go before the election I felt the shift going on in the electorate and became scared to death that Ronald Reagan would become president. So I dumped Commoner and went to work with the local Democrats to try to get Carter re-elected. Part of what I did was put up signs in partnership with another campaign worker. Those signs disappeared as fast as we could put them up. We would drive past locations where we had just put them up and they’d be gone. The Republicans obviously had workers whose job it was to take down signs.

I doubt it had much to do with the Reagan victory, a victory that started this nation on the Road to Fascism, to sort of borrow (part of) a phrase from one of the right’s favorite authors. I have always been irritated by the propensity of many Democrats (Obama comes to mind) to speak favorably of the guy who ushered in the Republican Party of today.

Anyway, back to the sign issue. It doesn’t surprise me at all that the Republicans are at it again, either as freelancers or as organized teams. Also, you are not supposed to put signs on the state’s or city’s rights of way along major roads, but they are often posted in such places, and 99% of them are for Republicans. The rules don’t apply to them, you see.

Speaking of signs, as treasurer of the Groton Democrats it is my lot to keep track of the donations coming in exchange for Kamala signs, which you can get at our headquarters, located at 768 Long Hill Road, if you so desire. The money is pouring in. People are enthusiastic about Kamala.

Also speaking of signs, I have done an unscientific survey, so to speak, as I ride by bike every day on various roads in the Groton/Ledyard/Stonington/North Stonington environs. Harris signs abound, usually accompanied by signs for other Democratic candidates. Trump signs are rare. Almost the only Republican signs you see are those for our incumbent State Senator, Heather Somers, she who speaks out of both sides of her mouth without actually saying anything, except when she takes credit for Democratic initiatives that she voted against. I have yet to see a Trump sign accompanying a Heather sign, and I’ve seen only one sign for Mike Franz, Joe Courtney’s opponent. It’s one of those signs that amounts to a confession that the person who put it up is a nutjob, and even that nutjob doesn’t have a Trump sign (yet).

Finally, and this has nothing to do with signs, if you’re a good Democrat, and care to watch Tim Walz trounce JD along with other Democrats, join us at the NY Deli, right next door to our headquarters. They are staying open late to host our debate watching. It’s not a fundraiser, except you have to buy food or drink from the very nice lady that runs the place.