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Joe Courtney endorses Obama

Joe Courtney endorsed Obama today. I suppose we can argue about timing, but better late than never, and better now than later. After yesterday, it seems likely that Hillary will die the death of a thousand cuts, as the remaining superdelegates announce overwhelmingly for Obama.

Here’s Joe’s Announcement in full. It’s especially good that he recognizes the young people at UConn who helped put him in Congress:


Today, I am pleased to announce my endorsement of Senator Barack Obama for President of the United States.

Our country has experienced a remarkable contest for the Democratic nomination with a field of unprecedented talent, including Connecticut’s senior Senator Chris Dodd whom I originally endorsed. The race has boiled down to an historic choice between the nation’s first African American or woman president, and the party, and our nation, are richer for this contest.

The results last evening from Oregon have clarified that Barack Obama will be the nominee for our party. As John McCain continues to act with a free hand in the Republican contest, it is clear that we must unite and rally around a nominee to give the nation a strong alternative in the Fall. With our economy languishing and our foreign policy in tatters, the last thing our country can afford is a third Bush term, which I believe John McCain would deliver if elected President.

While I am making this endorsement, I want to take the time to recognize Senator Clinton for her contributions to this contest and to our nation. Hers was a gutsy effort, and one that spoke to the economic anxiety that so many in eastern Connecticut and across the nation are feeling after eight years of George Bush’s rule. As the father of a young daughter, I was also heartened that we took a step closer to the long overdue day when we elect a woman to serve as President. Senator Clinton has been an important leader of our party and will continue to play a key role in the years ahead.

I am enthusiastically endorsing Barack Obama because I believe that he can lead this nation and bridge the partisan divide that has hindered progress in our nation over the past eight years. Barack Obama has demonstrated leadership in pledging a new direction to drawdown our forces in Iraq and end our disastrous engagement that has stretched our military to the breaking point, damaged our economy, and diverted our attention from terrorist threats in Afghanistan and across the globe. Senator Obama’s economic vision would revive our sluggish economy and invest in our middle class which has been so neglected in the Bush era. The power of Barack’s words is matched by the force of his ideas.

In addition, by endorsing Senator Obama I am keeping faith with the new and young voters who helped propel me to a razor-thin victory in 2006. At UConn and on campuses across eastern Connecticut and the nation, Barack Obama has inspired new voters to engage in the political process and make their voices heard. A torch has been passed to a new generation to help solve the serious challenges facing our nation.

Our country is in desperate need of change in the White House. Today, I endorse Barack Obama to deliver that change in January after victory in November.

On another subject, and another Joe, if you click on the link you will see that the Courant is still referring to Lieberman as an “independent Democrat”. Since when is there such a thing? It’s a little like me calling myself an atheistic Catholic. I might find the moniker convenient, but the Pope would have a legitimate grievance if the newspapers played along and let me steal his brand. Lieberman is a lot of things, few of them good, but he is not a Democrat, no matter what limiting adjective you use.

Note: This post was changed a bit from one that was up for a short period. I inserted Joe’s announcement and made a few other minor changes.

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