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Category Archives: Uncategorized

Stinkin’ to high heaven

A few days ago I made some observations about the extent to which a New Jersey legal firm whitewashing Chris Christie's role in Bridgegate was churning the file (at taxpayer expense, of course). The fact is, that sort of thing is business as usual for that sort of firm, and though outrageous, was not necessarily […]

Nice work if you can get it.

(Yes, I know I’ve used this title before. ) This is really quite extraordinary. I am a jealous guy. The law firm that represents Chris Christie on the taxpayer's dime has made a small fortune (Well, for most of us, a large fortune) off of a case that does not yet even exist. According to […]

Brooks: All you need is to believe.

I have made a number of sacrifices for the sake of this blog, but today I perhaps Above and beyond; I read a David Brooks column. Yes, I know somewhere there's probably a blog that offers to read David Brooks so I don't have to, much like the folks at Newshounds masochistically watch Fox for […]

Utah: Stupid and proud of it

Yesterday I noted that Utah was in the anomalous position of leading the nation in one measure of sanity: it has the lowest smoking rate in the country. This is an example of the stopped clock effect. It's a state controlled by a religious sect, so for the most part the people there are bat […]

Another map of the stupid

And more glory to our part of the country. Just recently I wrote about a recent study that purported to explain the red state divorce rate as a by-product of religious fanaticism. Well, here's a few more studies proving that we blue people are superior. First, check out the map at this link, which shows […]

Something we can all agree on

If you’re like me (and you should be) you’ve seen lots of maps of the U.S. showing differences among the states in graphic fashion. Typically, they show the Southern States coming off as one might expect: worst. For instance, divorce rates are higher in the Bible Belt, as are rates of teen pregnancy. The disparity […]

Good News, Local Edition

The Groton Open Spaces Association has, over the years, been responsible for preserving a vast amount of open space here in Groton. I am especially indebted to the Association, as I live a short walk away from Haley Farm State Park, which would have become a site for tract housing had it not been for […]

As Groton goes…

Over at Daily Kos they are claiming to be covering all the races, big and small, yet I’ve seen nary a word about one of the biggest Democratic triumphs of the night. It therefore falls to this humble blogger to report the startling news, that here in the Town of Groton, home of the City […]

Won’t give in to blackmail

As regular readers know, I'm a Monty Python fan, particularly The Life of Brian, which I consider to be one of the best movies ever made. Well, the Republican shenanigans of the past few days put me in mind of the following scene from that best of all movies. Unfortunately, this clip continues on past […]

Friday Night Music

In case you missed it on last night’s Colbert, Sean Lennon, Mavis Staples, Jeff Tweedy and the Harlem Gospel Choir singing “Happy Christmas (War is Over)”. Sean is, I imagine, almost as old as his dad was when he died. You can certainly see that he’s a mix of both John and Yoko. The Colbert […]