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Category Archives: Media

Time for some Democratic pushback

The New York Times is trying to both sides the whistleblower thing with Trump, attempting to breathe life into the Biden allegations, which were apparently originated by the same guy who wrote Clinton Cash, to whom the Times gave credence back in 2016. Yet another example of the need for the Democrats to learn to work […]

The Gray Lady Retreats and the Democrats attack

This morning a contrast between the Globe and the Times gave me cause to rant. Each ran the same article by Times reporters Michael Crowley and (ugh) Maggie Haberman on their front page. For each it was the headline story. It was about Trump’s pro forma speech about the Trump inspired massacre in El Paso […]

Fake News is a real thing sometimes

This has happened before, and it supports something the genius has been saying: there’s a lot of fake news out there. The fact is that most of the fake news supports him. Yesterday CNN had a panel of Texas female Republican. They were presented as representative of 2016 Texas females who voted for Trump. Nothing […]

Feeling anxious lately? Here’s why!

Lately I’ve been feeling highly anxious, but until today I wasn’t sure why. I considered a number of possibilities, among them: The fact that the president of the United States is a narcissistic authoritarian bent on making himself a dictator even as he declines into senescence. The fact that the same president has stocked the […]

What if Obama had done this, Episode Infinity (Plus One)

According to the AP article as headlined by the New London Day “Trump Flies high in ‘Salute to America’”, the subtitle reading “Staying on script, he honors the military; protestors say Fourth should be about unity”. The substance of the article is basically more of the same. The paper of record (that being the New […]

Really, this should stop

Donald Trump wants tanks rolling through the streets of Washington on the Fourth of July. He envies his pal in North Korea, and he wants the tanks as a tribute to himself. That is the long and short of it. Anyone who tells you different is lying. In the print edition of this morning’s New […]

Yet another open letter to the New London Day

Today’s headline reads: Iran to Blame in Ship Attacks. This is an assertion of fact. It is not borne out by the actual text of the Washington Post authored piece to which it is affixed. Since the Day is a newspaper, surely its editors are collectively aware of the fact that many people simply skim […]

Now more than ever, follow Orwell’s rules

George Orwell posited six rules for good writing: (i) Never use a metaphor, simile, or other figure of speech which you are used to seeing in print. (ii) Never use a long word where a short one will do. (iii) If it is possible to cut a word out, always cut it out. (iv) Never use the […]

An open letter to the New London Day

The Day has, for reasons the rational among us cannot fathom, repeatedly endorsed Heather Somers for any political office for which she happens to hanker. Curiously, however, the Day never bothers to cover what Ms. Somers happens to do in the course of her official duties. Wait, let me correct myself. The Day slavishly passes […]

Shape of Things to Come

This is interesting, I think, and bodes poorly for the Democratic presidential candidate, whoever it may be. In today’s New York Times (the paper version), right next to the two articles about the Barr hearings, neither of which headlines the fact that he lied his way through his testimony, is an article about Joe Biden. […]