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Category Archives: Lawyer stuff

More on the post Roe world

Since my post of a few days ago I’ve read a lot of speculation about which precedents the court will destroy next. Most of the speculation is sound, but some should give one pause, if one believed that the right wing members of the court have even a shred of intellectual honesty. For instance, a […]

Where we may go after Roe goes down

Yesterday we learned (no need to link, everyone knows about it by now) that the Supreme Court is planning to reverse Roe v. Wade. It’s actually a bit of a surprise to me, as I expected that they would simply gradually chip away at it until it was all but overruled, but never expressly so. […]

A glimpse into our legal future

The Supreme Court is now considering how it will go about destroying the ability of the federal government to deal effectively with climate change. The situation is explained at length here I’ll just quote the gist, which is long enough: West Virginia v. Environmental Protection Agency is one of the most frustrating cases that the […]

The rich are different from you and me

If you are an inveterate reader of blogs, as am I, in addition to or in lieu of the mass media, you have no doubt read lots of speculation about the chances of Trump being indicted. I didn’t practice criminal law, as I learned early on that in that area of practice, it’s ordinarily two […]

The Supreme Court isn’t partisan…

It’s just a massive coincidence that it’s rulings all favor Republicans, as they implement their racist agenda to once again deprive African Americans, other minorities, and Democrats generally, of the right to cast a meaningful vote, assuming they are allowed to vote at all. Today the court stayed a lower court ruling that found -surprise-surprise- […]

Don’t expect consistency from this court

Gavin Newsom, California’s governor, is planning to turn the tables on the Supreme Court, using the same dodge Texas used to abolish abortion rights to abolish the already bogus gun rights. In their rush to permit the state of Texas to deputize private citizens to bring lawsuits against women seeking abortions and their abortion providers, […]

Yet another shocked enabler

Driftglass often remarks about the fact that memory is a liberal superpower, and as with most things he says, he seems to be right. He has, of late, been quite busy exposing the Republican never-Trumpers for the hypocrites they are, as they attempt to cover up their own part in creating the fascist party that […]

Just asking

Shouldn’t this woman be facing criiminal charges? Losing her medical license, especially given that she was otherwise retired, seems like a trivial punishment: A Connecticut physician has surrendered her medical license after an investigation uncovered that she was giving signed blank vaccination exemption forms to anyone who sent a self-addressed stamp envelope. An anonymous tip […]

An easy prediction

According to the Boston Globe, experts are mixed about the ultimate fate of Roe v. Wade. Generally, speaking, that’s the treatment the latest travesty is getting from the media. It’s strange how often experts can’t see the obvious. There are two possible fates for Roe. The Court may outright reverse itself, and even go so […]

A bit of a rant about today’s courts

I’m no longer a practicing lawyer, but I’m still interested in legal developments. We now have a federal court system dominated by ideologues for whom the disinterested application of legal principles is important only insofar as the courts will feel obliged to cloak their decisions in language that they can claim shows said disinterested application, […]