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One cheer for the 11th Circuit

Back at the end of 2019 I made some New Year’s predictions. One of them was to the effect that after he lost the election, Trump would vanish down the memory hole into which George Bush had leaped (or was shoved) in 2009. I was wrong, as Trump insisted on being worshipped, and the Republican Party establishment had painted itself into a corner such that it had no choice but to cater to his wishes.

Which brings me to some thoughts after reading the Appellate Court decision that makes mincemeat out of Judge Aileen Cannon’s lower court decision. Two of the three judges who decided the case were appointed by Trump, but both chose to actually follow the law in these very limited circumstances.

I would argue that they did so because it was convenient for them, and they don’t have the same pressures on them as do elected Republicans. Don’t expect them to feel the need to respect precedent when it gets in the way of their political objectives.

The Federalist Society (James Madison must turn in his grave every time that name is verbalized) got what it wanted out of Trump. They got to name all the judges, who are now busily at work destroying the republican form of government that the actual Federalists helped create. They don’t need him anymore, and, except for some over the top outliers like Cannon, feel no need to protect him. Their performance in cases trying to overturn the election was indicative of that. Trump can hardly complain, inasmuch as they are doing to him exactly what he typically does to the people who do his dirty work.

It follows from the above that the Supreme Court will decline to step in and save the genius. Thomas might dissent, as he has his wife to worry about, but the others will likely follow the 11th Circuit’s lead. What better way to prove that the Supreme Court is indeed a legitimate institution? If they let Trump go to jail the media will buy into Robert’s bullshit, and say not another word about legitimacy as the court strips away our voting rights, establishes a state “Christian” religion devoid of any of the teachings of Christ, grants rights to Republicans that disappear when Democrats try to use them, and legitimizes the fascism arising from the political party that put them in their seats. They don’t need Trump anymore because, after all, someone like DeSantis will serve perfectly well, and they can always assist in stealing an election for him if he can’t garner the votes on his own.

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