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Category Archives: Obama

Can we get rid of Obama?

My number two son refers his Facebook friends to Matt Stoller’s article at Salon, in which he urges the Democratic Party and its constituencies to start a conversation about ditching Obama. He puts the problem succinctly: If would be one thing if Obama were failing because he was too close to party orthodoxy. Yet his […]

What’s good for Obama is not necessarily good for the Democrats

David Atkins, at Hullabaloo tries to make sense of Obama’s debt ceiling maneuvering, particularly his seeming eagerness, all of his own volition, unasked by the Republicans, to throw Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security under the bus. He notes speculation that Obama is intentionally ticking off his base so he can run as the reasonable centrist […]

What did we do to deserve this?

I now officially resent the fact that I am going to have to vote for Obama in 2012. I have tried, out of respect for some that I love, to give him the benefit of the doubt, but this tears it: President Obama announced his support Tuesday for a deficit-reduction plan drafted by a bipartisan […]

A new meaning for centrist

According to the headline in today’s Day, Obama is staking out a centrist position in the ginned up “debt crisis”. Given that he is proposing Medicare cuts opposed by the vast majority of Americans, and that even Olympia Snowe can’t support them, we must conclude that the term “center”, at least in politics, has a […]

The only possible explanation

I have to admit I had the same reaction to this DCCC fundraising email as Jane Hamsher at Firedoglake. See anything missing from this excerpt? At this moment, Speaker Boehner is crafting a deficit deal that would gut Medicare and Social Security, while slashing benefits for seniors and the middle class in order to make […]

Obama ready to give away the election?

It appears that Obama may be about to make a deal to get the Republicans to do what their banker masters would force them to do anyway. Apparently, the deal will include Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid cuts. Thus will he throw away the best issues the Democrats have for 2012. Since even the people […]

Obama gets Osama, but will he get the credit?

From what I’ve read, it looks like Obama deserves a lot of credit for taking out Osama. Personally, I wish they could have taken him alive, but I know that’s probably asking too much. Will Obama get the credit he deserves, for what was apparently a long term effort that he pushed hard on? My […]

An easy prediction

The word is that Obama will be putting Medicare and Medicaid on the table for “reform”. Anyone care to take a bet against the following scenario: Obama will lead with a proposal that the Republicans could never have passed during the headiest days of the Bush Administration. His position will become the leftmost position of […]

Mostly Good

As I have courted divorce recently by criticizing Obama, it is incumbent upon me to give credit when credit is, or appears to be due. If this post at Kos can be relied upon, then it appears that, at least according to David Plouffe, Obama is planning on standing firm on some key issues. Among […]

Worst ever?

Not yet, but a case can be made that he’s got a chance. Let us begin by stipulating that George Bush was the worst president in American history. This is a claim I have made before, and it is hard to believe that any serious minded individual would argue that any other president was worse […]