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Category Archives: Democrats

The Second Most Powerful Person in the Country

After Mitch McConnell: .A new ruling from the Senate parliamentarian could make it harder for the Democratic majority to pass legislation, including measures to improve access to affordable health care. Parliamentarian Elizabeth MacDonough, whose role is to advise the Senate on interpretations of the body’s rules and procedures, reportedly has determined that under the Senate’s […]

A very stupid idea

This may be the stupidest thing the left side of our political spectrum has come up with since some genius coined the slogan “defund the police”. Home to some of the nation’s strictest gun laws and some of its largest gun manufacturers, Massachusetts has its fair share of firearm contradictions. Democratic state lawmakers are now […]

Are the Democrats Learning?

It seems that, perhaps, the Democrats have learned some lessons from their experiences over the last 12 years. This is a remarkable phenomenon, since as recently as a year ago, Joe Biden seemed determined to learn nothing, as he predicted that the Republicans would have an epiphany should they lose the election in 2020. We’ve […]

Yet another post about weak Democrats

A day or so ago Little Marco tweeted out how outraged he was that Biden aide Jen O’Malley Dillon called Republicans “fuckers” in an interview in Glamour magazine. Before I go on, let me be clear that the source of his outrage was not the fact that some Republicans are not fuckers at all, such […]

Democrats playing hardball!!?

We are constantly bombarded with news articles about Democrats being in disarray, but it often happens that Republicans can be in that state as well. It’s great that Trump is encouraging Georgians to believe the election there has been rigged, as it will likely dampen turnout. A few days ago my wife and I were […]

I believe I’ve made this point before

Recently I added Eric Boehlert’s Press Run to my RSS feed. I can highly recommend it, though one might argue that he simply makes the same points as Driftglass, but less colorfully. Still, these are issues that must be raised, though as I’ll get to later, they don’t seem to make a dent in Establishment […]

Democrats playing the long game? If only.

Anyone who has spent time reading this blog knows that I get a lot of my news from other left wing blogs or internet sites. One often needs to exercise a fair amount of judgment reading these sites. The facts are usually accurate but the spin put on those facts is often suspect. One such […]

Say you aren’t Joe, Matt

I’ve been writing this blog since early 2005. When I started, I was one among many Connecticut left wing bloggers, all of whom, so far as I know, have fallen by the wayside, blog wise, and confine themselves to twitter, a medium in which I have never felt particularly comfortable. Anyway, in those long ago […]

Yet one more complaint about wussy Democrats

A couple of days ago I whined about the fact that Democrats operated from a defensive crouch, and that one way to keep them in that crouch was to throw the word “deficit” at them. Despite the fact that, as Krugman endlessly points out, the Republicans have been deficit hypocrites since 1980, the media treats […]

What was it that’s the enemy of the good?

A few days ago I wrote about the Biden folks who were continuing to pound on Bernie people, even after Bernie endorsed Joe. It’s only fair that I get around to the Bernie folks who are now far too pure to cast a vote for Joe. Among my guilty pleasures on my RSS feed is […]