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Category Archives: Lies and Lying Liars

Do I smell a rat?

I understand that John Bolton has announced that he will honor a subpoena to the Senate trial if he receives one. I also understand that he is a big cheerleader for an Iranian war, and is quite happy with the genius’s recent actions with respect to that country. If I were advising Nancy and the […]

Words matter

Old Friend Steve Fournier, a fellow alum of HPHS, sends out email “rants” on a regular basis, and I’m privileged to be on his list. With his permission, I’d like to share the latest, which I think makes an extremely valid point. I also told Steve that I would point out that I disagree with […]

They just can’t help themselves

Let me start out by stating the obvious: I’m no fan of John Bolton’s. Still, it seems as if Bolton has stuff to say about the genius that the genius might rather we not hear, so, as they say, the enemy of my enemy is (at least temporarily) my friend. But as anyone following events […]

Mike Pence in a nutshell

Mike Pence doesn’t know a thing about all that Ukrainian Stuff. Rachel begs to differ. Shorter Mike Pence:

A twitter mystery

I am not a prolific Twitter user. Most of the tweets I read are second hand, reproduced in blog posts or mainstream media. Still, I understand that it can be a useful tool if used judiciously and well. But here’s what I can’t understand. The following is not an unusual series of events when a […]

Yet another open letter to the New London Day

Today’s headline reads: Iran to Blame in Ship Attacks. This is an assertion of fact. It is not borne out by the actual text of the Washington Post authored piece to which it is affixed. Since the Day is a newspaper, surely its editors are collectively aware of the fact that many people simply skim […]

Now more than ever, follow Orwell’s rules

George Orwell posited six rules for good writing: (i) Never use a metaphor, simile, or other figure of speech which you are used to seeing in print. (ii) Never use a long word where a short one will do. (iii) If it is possible to cut a word out, always cut it out. (iv) Never use the […]

Fake Everything

As the world becomes metaphorically smaller, more and more opportunities open up for grifters of all sorts. And I’m not, at least directly, talking about a certain stable genius. It turns out that many academics are publishing allegedly “peer reviewed” articles in fake academic journals: The story begins with Chris Sumner, a co-founder of the nonprofit […]

Lies and the Lying Liars that tell them

It looks like the loathsome former wrestling coach and now Congress critter Jim Jordan’s attempts to deny knowledge of sexual abuse by a team doctor, Dr. Strauss, are falling apart, and even his attempt to use the “locker room talk” defense is probably not going to stand up.  Jordan was an assistant coach, and the […]

Is our media learning

As of late, a few hopeful signs have been springing up in the media’s coverage of the genius and his administration. They still aren’t calling a lie a lie, but they are coming ever closer. Consider this, from a story in today’s New York Timesabout a statement put out in Melania Trump’s name about the Naz-like […]