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Daily Archives: February 17th, 2008

Nicholas Kristof hearts McCain

Looks like Krugman is taking some indirect pot shots at fellow Times columnist Nicholas Kristof. I was amazed myself when I read Kristof’s column. Hypocrisy is alright, abandoning your “principles” is alright, so long as you’re not totally comfortable about it and so long as your name is John McCain.

Another economic mess coming

Yet another unregulated and bizarre type of financial device about to fall apart. They are called “credit default swaps”. Reading about this stuff makes my head hurt, but as I understand it, these are “insurance” instruments whereby the buyer, seeking protection, purchases insurance to protect the buyer in case underlying corporate bonds default. Both they […]

What? Me a snob?

I just spent some time doing my Charter Revision Commission homework, so I’m politicked out for now. I will turn then, to an earth shaking question, raised at The Unofficial Apple Weblog: Are Mac owners snobs? TUAW cites someone’s research to that effect, which research also notes that Mac owners are more likely: to be […]