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Daily Archives: March 21st, 2008

Friday night Music-Woody Guthrie

I’ve made it a rule to avoid this type of video, in which there’s actually no video, but most rules are made to be broken. It being Good Friday, this song seemed to be appropriate. [youtube][/youtube]

It’s time for her to go

Josh Marshall links to this article at the Politico that argues that the press has been complicit in pushing a narrative that Hillary Clinton still has a chances to win the nomination. In this morning’s Times, even that narrative appears to be crumbling. Bill Richardson’s endorsement is likely the first in a cascade of endorsements […]

Today’s Comic

Happy Good Friday

Today we observe Good Friday, on which the believable events of the Easter myth took place. It takes no stretch of the imagination to believe that a person with a revolutionary message like Jesus’ would be executed. As for the rest, well return from the dead is a bit hard to swallow, Richard Nixon’s political […]