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Monthly Archives: July 2008

Not funny

My letter to the New Yorker: I was shocked to see a reproduction of the cover to your July 21st issue on Americablog. There is absolutely no excuse for publishing this canard. It is outrageous to suggest that Barack Obama and his wife are terrorists. I must assume, in charity, that your intent is to […]

A follow-up for Sean, if I might

Paul Choiniere has a column in the Day this morning about Sean Sullivan’s long shot candidacy in the Second District Congressional race. He summarizes Sean’s political philosophy: He feels government has grown well beyond the means of the average taxpayer to support it, that the ever-larger budget deficits are a major cause for concern. He […]

Talking about rights

Does Khalid Shaikh Mohammed — the Guantánamo detainee who claims he personally beheaded the reporter Daniel Pearl — deserve the rights he denied Mr. Pearl? Which ones? A painless execution? Exemption from capital punishment? Decent prison conditions? Habeas corpus? Such apparently unrelated questions arise in the aftermath of the vote of the environment committee of […]

Little Zippy speaks words of wisdom

(Click the graphic to make it readable)

Friday Night Music-Blood, Sweat and Tears

Every week it gets harder to dig into the old memory hole to come up with a different group. Luckily, I grew up in the 60’s and the supply of great music seems endless. Nonetheless, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. [youtube][/youtube]

Dodd for VP? Sadly, I’m against it

Jason Rosenbaum at the Seminal reports that our own Chris Dodd is under consideration for the VP slot. I don’t know if the interest is real, or if Obama is just engaging in feel good politics. Sadly, I must protest against this choice. Nothing would make me happier than to see Chris Dodd a hearbeat […]

Straight talker bobs and weaves

This is an issue about which my wife has always been justifiably steamed. Many health plans cover Viagra, but will not cover birth control. Watch John McCain squirm as he ducks the issue, which was raised by his own advisor: [youtube][/youtube] Only John McCain could get away with refusing to talk about an issue because […]

A moment’s silence for the Constitution

September 17, 1787 to July 9, 2008.

McCain more like Bush than we thought

McCain has been in Congress for about three decades. You would think in all that time he would have learned a little something about Social Security. Apparently not. According to McCain it’s a disgrace that Social Security is a pay as you go system. Here he is talking about it: [youtube][/youtube] Now, you would think […]

A Man of Principle

There aren’t many in the U.S. Senate, but there’s at least one in North Carolina: L.F. Eason III gave up the only job he’d ever had rather than lower a flag to honor former U.S. Sen. Jesse Helms. Eason, a 29-year veteran of the state Department of Agriculture, instructed his staff at a small Raleigh […]