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Monthly Archives: May 2018

The Democratic Convention-a survivor’s reflections

I now know why I wasn’t really all that enthusiastic about being a delegate to the state convention this year. It was some instinct, some nagging recollection from conventions past, and some premonition about the long slog this one, with all those contested nominations, was likely to be. I’m not complaining about the outcome. Not […]

The Times reaches for its Thesaurus

It’s been noted repeatedly across the internets that whenever a white male engages in a mass shooting (and it’s almost always a white male), the American media almost always gives him a partial excuse because he is a “loner”, implying some form of mental illness. We don’t see that sort of mental illness excuse advanced […]

Friday Night Music

This is posted a bit early, it not actually being Friday night at the moment, because I’ll be in Hartford later casting my vote for Chris Murphy at the convention.  I will freely admit that I am woefully ignorant about current music, though what I’ve heard doesn’t impress, but on occasion I’ve followed up on […]

A little trip down memory lane

I keep a journal, in which I catalog the trivial events of my day and, since January of 2017, on most days I document some of the atrocities emanating from Washington. The app I use automatically displays entries from the same date in past years. It’s actually a good feature, since it’s sort of fun […]

Quit meets quo

Yesterday I vowed to do better in cataloging the genius’s criminality, and like manna from heaven, here’s proof of yet another impeachable offense. When the genius tweeted that he was going to help save thousands of Chinesejobs, it set all our spider senses tingling, didn’t it? You just knew there was some sort of corruption involved. The […]

A new twist on gerrymandering

We’ve all read various news stories about the fact that many of Trump’s policies will adversely and disproportionately affect the idiots who voted for him. Turns out that might not be the case, as Republicans resort to a new twist on one of their favorite ways to insure that the will of the minority prevails. […]

A mea culpa

I get very few comments, and I just found out that some comments are being blocked, for reasons I can’t fathom, as it is none of my doing. Anyway, in the course of trying to figure out what I could do about this (and I couldn’t figure it out) I came across a months old […]

Friday Night Music-A dynamic duo

It really is fun wandering around youtube looking for music. I never knew these two guys played together. George Harrison and Paul Simon, one song penned by each.  

A curious phenomenon

This morning’s Boston Globe recounts the fateof a bill that would have modernized the sex education curriculum in the state of Massachusetts: At a time when everybody, everywhere, seems to be talking about sexual misconduct, Massachusetts is still having a hard time talking about sex ed. A bill that would modernize sex education in Massachusetts schools […]

Gilded Age, part 2

A few days ago, I said I’d be putting up a series of posts comparing our present Age of Corruption, Plutocracy and Kakistocracy to the Gilded Age. Herewith, installment two. Back around the 80s, the Republican Party began promoting itself as the party of new ideas. The ideas seemed to consist of inventive ways to […]