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Monthly Archives: July 2019

What if Obama had done this, Episode Infinity (Plus One)

According to the AP article as headlined by the New London Day “Trump Flies high in ‘Salute to America’”, the subtitle reading “Staying on script, he honors the military; protestors say Fourth should be about unity”. The substance of the article is basically more of the same. The paper of record (that being the New […]

Put this kid on the Supreme Court NOW!

Why waste time? He can get his law degree later. And it’s criminal that the judge, who was perceptive enough to see that the kid has a future, was criticized for his acuity. The 16-year-old girl was visibly intoxicated, her speech slurred, when a drunk 16-year-old boy sexually assaulted her in a dark basement during an alcohol-fueled […]

Really, this should stop

Donald Trump wants tanks rolling through the streets of Washington on the Fourth of July. He envies his pal in North Korea, and he wants the tanks as a tribute to himself. That is the long and short of it. Anyone who tells you different is lying. In the print edition of this morning’s New […]