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It doesn’t take Nostradamus to predict this

Well, this is totally unsurprising. Seems that Jared Kushner has been paid handsomely by Saudi Arabia for serving its interests, including covering up a murder. A good discussion about it by Juan Cole here. You have to hand it to Jared. He may have set a record so far as the amount of money that anyone has ever gained through corruption.

Now, here’s a prediction. Long after Jared’s corruption becomes a non-story (maybe it already is) we will still be hearing about Hunter Biden, not just from Fox, but from the “mainstream” media, that has lately felt it is its duty to try to resurrect the “laptop” story.

It remains the case that the unstated position of the media is that lying and corruption is just what Republicans do, so it’s not big news, while Democrats are expected to act ethically, and any hint of corruption, even if spread by Republicans accusing Democrats of what they themselves routinely do, is a big story.

It doesn’t help, of course, that the Democrats as a party are likely to be complicit in burying this story. A day doesn’t go by that some Republican doesn’t bring up Hunter Biden. The Democrats will likely be silent about Jared.

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