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If you are lucky enough to be blogless, you may be unaware that there are actually spam comments. Most of them are caught by spam-comment catching software, but some sneak through. None actually get posted unless I approve them.

Lately, I’ve been impressed to see the sophistication of whatever software these folks are using to generate the comments. As often as not, they actually seem pretty responsive to the substance of the post. The tip off is usually the name of the poster (Payday Loans is prolific). This is a change from the past, when such comments would typically consist of something like “I agree with …” followed by a quote from the post itself.

The problem for me is that these comments have been sneaking through the first lines of defense with some frequency. I’m still not at all clear what’s the point of their doing it, though presumably there is some sort of financial gain being sought. Still, one can’t help but applaud the programmers behind all this, sending their bots scurrying around the internet, visiting even backwater blogs like this, all in the hopes of snaring someone, somewhere, to take out a payday loan.

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