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Olbermann missed something

I just got through watching Keith Olbermann attacking Michael Steele, who suggested that gay marriage was bad for small business. Olbermann pointed out that gay weddings would pump about $16 billion annually into the economy for photographers, restaurants, etc. You know, the same exorbitant expenses incurred by straight folks.

It’s clear Olbermann is not a lawyer, since he missed a big part of the stimulus package that gay weddings promise. For every two gay weddings there will eventually be close to one gay divorce, if our gay friends match the performance of us straights. That’s a whole lot of money for divorce lawyers. One thing I think we can all agree on is the pressing need to get more money into the pockets of lawyers. I certainly agree with that proposition. As a side benefit, if the institution of gay marriage really does destroy the institution of straight marriage, as our fundamentalist friends allege, that will create even more business for the lawyers as straight marriages collapse before the gay onslaught, creating new jobs in the field of divorce services.

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