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Recommended reading

On several occasions I have posted pieces by my old friend, Bob Roth. Bob’s pieces are usually longer and more thought out than my stuff. I flatter myself that the reason for that is the fact that Bob is retired, and has more time on his hands. We are all entitled to a little bit of self delusion.

Bob recently posted a very long article at the website for the Progressive Democrats of America. It’s an overview of our current financial situation: how we got here and where we should go. In my opinion Bob has it mostly right. Unfortunately, that means that Obama, particularly the Geithner side of Obama, has it mostly wrong, which means we may be in for some rough sledding ahead. That’s scary, because if Obama is perceived to have failed, the only alternative, to which people will inevitably turn, is the crazier than loon Republicans, who, if given power again, will proceed to irreparably destroy the economy, not to mention the planet.

If you have the time Bob’s article is well worth reading.

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