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The rewards of faith

I had my doubts about the authenticity of this story, but I considered it too funny not to pass along:

A devout Catholic who popped into church to thank God for a his rescue from a lift was crushed to death by a 860lb stone altar.

Police spokesman Roman Hahslinger explained that Gunther Link, 45, was “a very religious man and had been scared when he was trapped in the lift and had prayed for release”.

He continued: “A short while later he was pulled out of the elevator and he went straight to the church to thank God.”

It appears on a website called the Register. The reason for my doubts? The article is sourced to the Telegraph, but there is no link. My initial attempts to verify were fruitless, but I pressed on, and indeed, the Telegraph did run the story. So, it’s as true as it needs to be for my purposes.

This reminds me of stories I’ve read in which survivors of terrible events, such as a plane crash, credit God for their deliverance, never pausing to consider that, by their logic, God must have deliberately destroyed the folks who weren’t so lucky.

Anyway, while I feel sorry for Mr. Link, I can’t help get a bit of a chuckle out of this. Of course, maybe he’ll have the last laugh. After all he did die in church, and maybe the Lord Jesus was just bringing him to heaven while his account stood well with the Lord.

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