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With friends like these

Max Baucus and Kent Conrad are nominal Democrats, extremely nominal. Baucus, especially, has been trying the patience of every knowledgeable Democrat in the country as he pursues his Holy Grail-a reasonable Republican. That animal is extinct. Baucus has made himself look like a fool for the past several weeks as he let himself get played over and over by Republicans who were announcing to the world, as soon as they were out of his presence, that they wouldn’t vote for Health Care Reform-not now, not never.

But Baucus, with Conrad in tow, jumped the shark today. It’s bad enough that he’s torpedoed health care, but it’s absolutely mind boggling that he would pull (the bad) Joe Wilson’s chestnuts out of the fire by adding unnecessary language to their so called bill to make it even more illegal than before for illegal aliens to participate in the new health exchange.It’s a trifecta. They have legitimized Wilson’s behavior, made themselves look even more idiotic, and added a provision which, if it becomes law, will massively inconvenience millions of Americans while doing next to nothing to address the problem it allegedly seeks to address.

Here we had the Republicans on the defensive, and these guys basically say: “Well gosh, maybe Wilson had a point. Maybe the president was lying”.

And now Baucus wants to be in charge of climate change legislation. We can all look forward to buying beachfront property on the shores of the Artic Sea.

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