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Sunday School

Via Pharyngula. A debate on the BBC, the motion being: The Catholic Church is a force for good in the world.

You can watch it here. It’s long, consisting of 5 you tube videos which, at least when viewed in full screen, will play one after the other.

The fascinating thing about this is that issues like this can actually be debated on British television. I just can’t imagine something like this on American TV.

It’s no surprise that the motion failed, though the swing in audience opinion (the audience was polled before and after the debate) was impressive.

It’s a tad unfair to pick on the Catholic Church. There may be some organized religions (the Unitarians and Quakers come to mind) that would score a victory, but the biggies would likely all go down in flames.

UPDATE: As a former Catholic, I just want to say that it is an entirely appropriate form of penance for Hitchens to have to debate these folks, after his support for the Iraq War. Even atheists must atone for their sins.

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