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Best comment ever?

Yesterday, for reasons both too complicated and boring to explain, one of my posts, without my knowledge, ended up being posted twice. The subject of the post was Obama’s repetition on the energy front of the search for “bi-partisanship” that worked out so well (snark) on the health care front. So the post was repetitive and about repetition.

The comment reads: “Deja Vu all over again”.

True and true.

By the way, my wife points out that there may have been method in Obama’s oil drilling madness. He may have given up less than meets the eye, and he made sure that the oil story was the top story of the day, knowing full well that both the press and the Republicans (and me too, I guess) will always concentrate on whatever they are hand fed. Meanwhile, he announced (in a far less public way) stringent new mileage standards, which have real impact. The hounds, Republicans and press alike, were following the wrong scent, and so the truly significant move went unnoticed and uncriticized.

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