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Drinking Liberally-the Hangover Report

Last night we had a two-fer at Drinking Liberally. Kevin Lembo joined us at around 6:30 and left around 8:15. Denise Merrill joined us a few minutes later and stayed until after 10:00.

Lembo does the near impossible: he makes a compelling case for running for the office of Lieutenant Governor. As reported here earlier, he has been endorsed by the GDTC and is apparently picking up individual commitments state wide.

Now, an aside. Below a picture of each, with state Reps Betsy Ritter and Elissa Wright. Taking pictures of politicians is an entirely different experience than taking snaps of ordinary people. With a group of three such as this someone is usually bound to have their eyes closed, or their mouth open and looking ridiculous, etc. With politicians that never happens. They always seem to be able to smile directly at the camera. I was speculating to my wife this morning that maybe there is some sort of gene for that talent associated with the gene that predisposes people to be politicians.

Now, getting back to the politicians. Denise Merrill was on the verge of getting an official CTBlue endorsement, but she may have blown it when, to my shock and chagrin, she rejected my idea for a JJB Dinner goody bag (dark chocolate covered almonds, if I recall correctly) and said she was going to commit the cardinal sin of diverting the funds she would otherwise use for these small scale bribes to some charitable organization with a suspiciously Catholic sounding name. Well, naturally I was taken aback, shocked in fact. Here she was, shamelessly admitting to an intent to break with sacred tradition just to accomplish something worthwhile. What if every politician did that?

Speaking of the JJB Dinner, we liberal drinkers will have a whole table at the dinner, stocked exclusively with DL regulars.

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