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Disparate treatment

A few days ago I pointed out that Blumenthal had done something only Republicans are allowed to do. I noted a few examples of Republican malfeasance without discernible consequence, but it turns out that there’s an example much closer to the situation, featuring Lindsey Graham, John McCain’s soon to be successor as the media’s darling “moderate” Republican.

Long before he was the Senate’s most powerful sometimes-moderate who won’t support the climate bill he helped draft because of personal pique, Lindsey Graham was just another politician who repeatedly lied about fighting in a war overseas.

According to his (current) official bio, “Graham logged six-and-a-half years of service on active duty as an Air Force lawyer.” After he left the active duty force, he joined the South Carolina Air National Guard. During the first Gulf War, Graham was called up to act as staff judge advocate at McEntire Air National Guard Base in South Carolina. As staff judge advocate, Graham’s duties “included briefing pilots on the law of armed conflict, preparing legal documents for deploying troops, and providing legal services for family members of the South Carolina Air National Guard. ” His service never took him out of South Carolina.

And so, naturally, for years afterward, Lindsey Graham referred to himself in his official biography and elsewhere as “an Operation Desert Shield and Desert Storm veteran.”

Even after he was exposed the information remained on his website. As we can all see, the consequences were devastating for Graham. The press has hounded him about it ever since, right?

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