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One must wonder if the Democrats will ever start acting as if they are the majority party in Congress.

They may not be able to roll back the totalitarian laws passed during the height of the Bush imperium, but at least they can choose to do no further harm. Apparently even that is beyond them. They are now apparently ready to give the telecom companies retroactive immunity for conspiring with the Bush crime gang to spy on Americans.

On another front, Senator Warner is set to introduce a non-binding “Sense of the Senate” to undercut the Webb Amendment. Oh, sorry, events have gotten by me, the Webb Amendment has already lost, as has the Warner resolution. The Democracts, of course, have now totally accepted the new reality: it takes 60 vote to pass anything. Once they lose a cloture vote they pack up and go home. It never occurs to them to make the Republicans put up or shut up. If they don’t want to take a vote, then make them talk and talk and talk. The Democrats aren’t getting anything worthwhile through in any event. Have they no idea what a sorry spectacle the Republicans would be if they were forced to spend weeks preventing a vote on a measure designed to give “our troops” the rest they deserve. Here’s the dirty secret: the Democrats care more about keeping regular hours and getting away on weekends than they do about the country.

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  1. […] Okay, I’m repeating myself. Sorry. Sphere: Related […]

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