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Another Lieberman Lie exposed

Joe Lieberman is a man of integrity. Just ask anyone, as long as the person you are asking is Joe Lieberman. He’ll tell you.

He would never, for instance, accuse anyone of something on the basis of exactly no evidence, would he? Well, as we all know, he would, as long as that person is a Democrat, and now we have proof positive from the Justice Department (you can rely on this evidence, they didn’t want to release it) that he did just that.

Congrats to the Stamford Advocate for not forgetting this story:

A federal investigation has concluded that U.S. Sen. Joseph Lieberman’s 2006 re-election campaign was to blame for the crash of its Web site the day before Connecticut’s heated Aug. 8 Democratic primary.

The FBI office in New Haven found no evidence supporting the Lieberman campaign’s allegations that supporters of primary challenger Ned Lamont of Greenwich were to blame for the Web site crash.

Lieberman, who was fighting for his political life against the anti-Iraq war candidate Lamont, implied that was hacked by Lamont supporters.

Actually, he didn’t “imply” anything. He out and out accused Ned or his supporters of hacking his site. They correctly replied that his site sucked and it was his own fault.

The Advocate had to wait a year for its FOIA request to be honored. Could it be that the Justice Department didn’t want to embarass “Democrat” Joe?

Speaking of Joe, it’s good to know that the voters of Connecticut have buyer’s remorse big time. If they could have a do over, Ned Lamont would be our senator.

Now, if only the Senate Democrats would get a little religion. I have a dinner riding on this, but I still hate to win my bet. Harry Reid has said that Joe will keep his seniority and chairmanships, no matter how much he betrays “his” caucus.

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