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Michael Ware reacts to Petreaus testimony

Michael Ware tells the truth on television:

One must wonder why they can’t find guys with brains like that to put in front of the camera on a day to day basis, instead of brain dead people like Blitzer. Or does the comfortable life inside the Beltway cause brain death in formerly intelligent people?

Ware is right. Obama wasn’t bad, but the truth is that all of these people are engaged in an elaborate Kabuki show. Petreaus pretends to be telling the truth, knowing full well that all the Senators know he’s lying. They pretend to take him at his word. They make ritual obeisance to his uniform (How far we have travelled from the founder’s suspicion of a standing army). They ask questions they know he will not fully answer. He gives them answers that he knows they know are misleading, incomplete and disingenuous. After it’s done they all shake hands and smile.

Interesting note: the clip goes on to shows a teaser about John Hagee, the McCain loving bigot. I’d be interested to see the whole thing.

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