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Well, yeah, she doesn’t care, but in her defense…

Breaking radio silence to make a fairly trivial point. I just read this post at Hullabaloo in which digby comments on the hypocrisy involved in Melania Trump’s tweet about her son Baron and her later defense of the genius’s tweet about Greta Thunberg. She concludes:

And let’s be clear. If it [the law professor’s comment about Baron Trump] was a “mistake” it was entirely innocuous and only because it gave fodder for a bunch of shameless right-wingers to call for the smelling salts over something they knew was not even close to an attack.

Trump, on the other hand, a 73 year old man, mocks and derides a 16 year old climate activist because she gets more positive attention than he does.

And his wife defends it. She didn’t have to. She could have just shut up or made a generic comment about bullying and left it at that. But she didn’t. She called out Thunberg and said, in so many words, that she had it coming.

Melania Trump does not care. Do you?

(Typos in original corrected)

I submit this is not entirely fair to Melania Trump. Granted she married the man for only one reason, having nothing to do with a four letter word beginning with “l” and having much to do with a five letter word beginning with “m”. But I would be willing to bet she had nothing to do with sending the tweet attacking the law professor who noted that the genius could not make a baron out of Baron. Her job is to do or say what she is told, or, more accurately, to allow others to do or say things in her name. I would bet a substanial sum that she has no say in the tweets that go out under her name, nor did she have anything to do with the “she was asking for it” defense that was put out somewhat under her name. She didn’t have to defend the genius, and most likely didn’t. She couldn’t just shut up because she has no control over what is put out under her name. Her offense lies not in originating these statements, but in refusing to disclaim them when they are made. But those are the conditions under which she has agreed to operate.

So, not entirely fair to Melania. Still, 99% is close.

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