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Time to speak with one voice

Happy day after impeachment.

That being said, let’s take a look at where we go from here. Nancy Pelosi has, I must say, handled things masterfully, but her success depends on the Democrats getting their act together and speaking in unison. They used to do that, but people who were boys and girls in the 70’s cannot remember such things.

Pelosi’s strategy of holding the impeachment articles until Moscow Mitch comes up with some reasonable procedures for a Senate trial makes perfect sense. As soon as I heard about it, though, it immediately occurred to me, as it should to any person who has observed the media in this country, that the Republicans would come up with some attack line that each of them would repeat endlessly, thus requiring the media to take it seriously, despite its evident absurdity.

I had intended to get a post up to that effect before the Republicans unveiled their line of attack, but Moscow Mitch beat me to it. The Democrats are, in his words, “too afraid” to send their work product to the Senate, where, Mitch has already announced, he would engage in a sham trial. But, of course, the media will forget he said that, unless the Democrats keep reminding them of it. That doesn’t mean just Nancy, that means all the Democrats. 

A good shorthand way of getting the message through would be to echo Schumer’s demand that they use the same rules they used with Clinton. After all, the Republicans were in charge back then too. Not just Schumer, not just Pelosi, all of them.

Also, not quite on the subject, hopefully we have heard the last of Tulsi Gabbard.

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