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A modest proposal, amended

Far be it from me to insist on a modest proposal when I am presented with evidence that there is an even more modest way to achieve one’s ends.

A couple of days ago I suggested that we honor the genius by naming the current era The Trump American Plague, inasmuch as for reasons that I can’t fathom, he himself has not chosen, as he historically has, to name his achievements after himself. He has claimed that his administration has done a great job, so it really boggles the mind as to why he would fail to take full credit.

Anyway, a friend of mine, now confined to “shelter in place” due to his advanced age (he’s a whole year older than me!), having nothing better to do, read the aforementioned post and wrote suggesting an alternative nomenclature for this era, one that, I confess, honors the genius even more, inasmuch as it references his economic expertise. He suggests the Trump Slump. This appellation, I confess, is superior to mine in several ways. As noted, it honors the financial acumen that has kept so many bankruptcy attorneys in the black. It rhymes, and, even better, rolls, as Hamlet said, “trippingly on the tongue”. I’m sure that Democratic candidates, since they are all interested in fairness, would be more than happy to employ this verbiage, for each one of them, honest Democrats that they are, should be more than willing to give credit where it is due.

I’m not suggesting that we drop The Trump American Plague completely. That would be a disservice to a man who deserves credit for assuring that the Italians and Spanish would have nothing on us. Still, I believe The Trump Slump deserves pride of place. Perhaps someone can find a way to blend the two without losing the superior phrasing that The Trump Slump employs. Until then, it’s my go to way to honor our Dear Leader.

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