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Not just for the rich anymore (temporarily)

Has anyone else noticed that all the measures being contemplated to deal with the economic impact of the corona virus, both here and in England (and probably everywhere else) are, not to put too fine a point on it: socialistic?

What else can we call sending free (gasp!) money to people, or paying them for not working, or providing free (if extremely limited) medical care to people?

This is a stunning departure for this country, which has restricted itself to socialism for the rich ever since it put distance between itself and the New Deal.

I expect it’s too much for the Democrats to point out this obvious fact as they vote for the programs for which Trump, McConnell and their ilk will take credit, even though said ilk had to gag while voting for them.

It is beginning to look like Trump, et. al., are, despite their manifest incompetence, winning the PR war, primarily because the Democrats don’t believe in engaging in such things. Besides, the Republicans have told them that this is no time to criticize, just as the aftermath of a mass shooting is no time to talk about gun control. Like good boys and girls, the national Democrats will probably do as they are told, and hold their tongues while Trump, aided and abetted by a compliant media, lies himself into a second term, by taking political advantage of a plague made far more widespread by his own incompetence.

UPDATE: Is it possible that Joe Biden won’t be following the normal Democratic playbook? Wonders never cease.

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