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Political Science, Monty Python Style

Shame on anyone reading this who is not a devotee of Crooks & Liars, and has therefore already read the post and watched the video I’m posting here, but for anyone who hasn’t seen it, it is, in my opinion, must see.

Fox News’ coverage of the Seattle protests has taken another hit after the news organisation quoted a Reddit Monty Python joke as real for its viewers.

Martha MacCallum, host of Fox News’ The Story, was covering Seattle’s Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) for her viewers, which included claims from the cable news channel that there were leadership problems within the organisation.

To illustrate this point, Fox News shared a screenshot of a Reddit post entitled “I didn’t vote for Raz”. Raz Simone, a rapper, is the alleged unofficial leader of CHAZ.

The post includes a video of the Fox folks, interspersed with cuts from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

The scene was hilarious in the first place, but this makes it even better.

Which brings me to another subject. It is easy for me to see how hilarious this Monty Python sketch is. You can watch the entire scene from the movie at the Crooks & Liars post at the link. Yet my wife just doesn’t “get it”. It’s one of life’s mysteries. Females don’t get the Three Stooges either. It must be some sort of genetic thing.