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Never thought of it like this

Just ran across this meme at Pharyngula.

I well remember while I was studying for my theology degree at Our Lady of Sorrows Grammar School in Hartford, that certain actions of the Lord did not sit that well with us, such as the fact that unbaptized babies who died at birth were barred from Heaven because a man and a woman ate an apple many years ago. It just didn’t seem fair. Also, when I later attempted to actually read the whole Bible, it seemed that God was a bit cruel when he suggested that one of his chosen talk all the members of another tribe into getting circumcised in order to appease said chosen for an offense committed by a single tribe member, only to further suggest that the chosen folks should massacre the entire tribe while the men were recovering from what must have been a painful procedure back in those days.

Still, it never occurred to me to give poor Satan the benefit of the doubt, and consider that we might all have been better off if he’d manage to kick God out of the top spot. I think PZ Myers at Pharyngula is right, and there’s a “notable lack of specific crimes attributed” to Satan, while God, assuming the Bible is in fact the word of God, practically brags about his.