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The Pillow Man Speaks

Mike Lindell, the MyPillow guy, says the Supreme Court is going to put the genius back in office by July. He has inside information, he says, quite likely of the same quality as the information he claims to have about the voting machine companies. The Pillow Man, along with all the other things he doesn’t know, doesn’t know anything about the Supreme Court, as I’ll explain in due course.

Part of me, I must admit, misses the Trump years. It was so much easier to think of things to post on this blog. If you couldn’t come up with anything else, there was always the outrage of the day to fall back on. Those days are gone. Up to now, Joe Biden has been the Ned Lamont of presidents, quietly going about the job of doing his job. Even the right wing outrage machine has had a bit of a tough time ginning up controversies, though some in the media are doing their best to buttress the right wing talking point that Biden is somehow responsible for a border situation that commenced long before he took office and which, curiously enough, was worse under Trump but for which Trump was not responsible. Oh well.

Anyway, back to my main point, assuming I have one. If the court handed the genius his “job” back, it would make it far easier to come up with things to write about. On the other hand, were that to happen, we on the left could kiss free speech good-bye, as any such decision would spell the end of American democracy. That denouement is an ultimate objective of the current Supreme Court, but they prefer to do it, as the Wicked Witch said, “delicately”, and, as the Three Stooges often said, “step by step, inch by inch”. The objective is to create an autocracy gradually, so that the warnings from people like me and every other left wing blogger can go unheeded. So the genius will continue to ramble on at Mar-a-Lago for the time being, and should the state of New York manage to convict him of fraud, the Supreme Court will not stand between him and a prison cell. He has already served his purpose, so far as they are concerned. In the meantime, the court will slowly but surely go about its business of dismantling the Republic.

As for Lindell, he’s going to have to sell a lot of pillows to the rubes to pay that libel judgment.

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