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An easy prediction

It seems that the guy who stole his own election, Brian Kemp, has just allowed as the recently passed Georgia Voter Suppression Act “has nothing to do with potential fraud”. The writer at Crooks and Liars makes what should be a reasonable observation that those words might come back to haunt Kemp as the lawsuits challenging the statute make their way through the courts.

The right got what it wanted from useful idiot former guy. The judiciary is now stacked top to bottom with right wing zealots who will be totally unimpressed with the fact that Kemp made such a statement and will, in fact, simply swallow whole the lies that Kemp and other Georgia legislators are telling about the bill.

When I was in law school the professors all disdained “results oriented” judicial thinking, but that’s what we have these days and it’s what we’ll have for quite a while. No reasonable person could deny that the intent of the Georgia law, and the laws proposed elsewhere, is to disenfranchise people, particularly people of color. However, the courts will choose to turn a blind eye to that reality and uphold these laws, always leaving themselves wiggle room to rule the other way should they get a case involving Democrats doing precisely what the Republicans are doing.

Am I too cynical? I don’t think so.

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