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Not the Onion

A fairly frequent occurrence. As I scroll through the unread folder on my RSS reader, I come upon a post whose title is both totally absurd, and given the current state of this nation, weirdly believable. Often, but not always, it turns out to be the Onion. And while that is a sure sign that you should not believe that the article is to be taken seriously, you can usually imagine that someone, somewhere, could write something eerily similar and really mean it. As I said, it’s not always the Onion, but until today, I never saw reality out-Onion the Onion.

For today, while reading a post at Hullabaloo, I read this:

Any Onion writer would be proud of this, but this is NOT THE ONION! It comes direct from Steve Bannon’s old site. Yet if I had read it on the Onion, I would have considered it typical fare. But…someone actually believes this stuff.

As the writer at Hullabaloo accurately points out, the second and third words “organized left” is an oxymoron, but that’s the least insane element of the post. There is, I guess, a kernel of truth here. Millions of Americans, their brains deadened by exposure to Breitbart, Fox, et. al., really do believe they are owning the libs by getting themselves killed. But as to the rest, isn’t it amazing that someone with this “sincere belief” can get a job as a writer, never mind string two words together? Then again, he or she could consider applying at the Onion. The writers there all have to dig deep to come up with new material, but this person would only have to write what they “sincerely believe”.

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