Well, honestly, this is something I did not see coming. It seems the “auditors” in Arizona have determined that Joe Biden did in fact win the electoral votes of that state, and that, in fact, he got 360 more votes than the official tally gave him. I should add that while I used the term “in fact” in the previous sentence, there is absolutely no reason to believe the Cyber Ninja count is more accurate than the original count, but one can’t help feeling a bit of Schadenfreude, as both Cyber Ninja and the former guy both take substantial hits. The Orange One had to take down a statement from his website in which he related that “everybody will be watching Arizona tomorrow to see what the highly respected auditors and Arizona State Senate found out regarding the so-called Election!”.
Well, now we know, and the shocker is that both the “auditors” and the corrupt Republicans in Arizona were unable to manufacture even a laughable argument in support of their attempt to steal the election.
Here’s the puzzler: Why did they do this in the first place? Had they simply bowed to reality the Arizona Republicans would have had some of the MAGA types mad at them for doing nothing, but that ire would quickly have dissipated. Now, having needlessly raised the hopes of those of little brain, who will continue to believe what they want to believe, and what Fox, OANN, and the other purveyors of lies encourage them to believe, they have set themselves up for retribution at the polls at the hands of MAGAs who will sit on those hands on Election Day. As for Cyber Ninja, why should any of the other state legislators seeking to follow Arizona’s lead hire them to “audit” their states, when they know they can’t be trusted to manufacture a specious argument that their states electoral votes were stolen? That was the whole point of the Arizona “audit” after all, as it’s the point of all the other proposed “audits”. Besides, so far as Cyber Ninja is concerned, there can be little doubt that the wrath of the Orange One shall soon descend upon it.
Endnote, so to speak: I wrote the above a few days ago when I first heard the news, but didn’t post it right away for a variety of reasons. In the meantime I have been not at all surprised at how little attention has been focused on this story. Again, we must imagine what we would be hearing had the Democrats done such a thing, bearing in mind that after all, they did have at least one election stolen from them, eons ago in 2000.
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