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A righteous rant

Okay, this is just a little too much. Biden is just giving away thousands of dollars to people who owe student loans, just because they are a crushing burden on millions of people, particularly the people who’ve been scammed by for-profit colleges like a certain Very Stable Genius University.

Well, I’m on the side of our conservative friends who say that forgiving student loans is totally unfair to the people who have repaid their student loans.

What about us?!!!

I went to a fancy pants college and three years of law school and came out owing TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS! It was a crushing burden, particularly because during law school I had to come up with $300.00 every semester(!) to pay tuition! Now some people might point out that these days that’s about what it costs every week for law school tuition, but they don’t understand math and the shocking effects of Biden’s inflation. There’s no doubt that we’ve had 10,000% inflation since I went to school, so my $2,000 debt, resulting in outrageous monthly payments of almost $40.00 a month for two or three years is totally equivalent to the typical college debt of today.

And don’t go trying to argue that it doesn’t make much sense to argue against a program because it’s unfair to people who would have benefitted by it in the past, had it only existed then. It’s a perfectly logical argument. Imagine where this country would be right now if only we had remembered to never institute a program that is unfair to people who didn’t get to benefit from it. Yes, just imagine:

  • We wouldn’t need to pay for public schools because it was totally unfair to give some kids a free education when older kids’ parents had to pay for theirs.
  • We wouldn’t have had to fund social security, because making sure that old people didn’t starve to death was totally unfair to the old people who did starve to death.
  • We wouldn’t have to fund Medicare, because giving people reasonably priced medical care was totally unfair to the people who had to pay outrageous prices for medical insurance or go without medical care.
  • We wouldn’t have worker’s compensation laws, the cost of which is so unfair to employers, because they are so unfair to the people who got killed or injured at work and got nothing because, as the courts ruled, they had assumed the risk of getting injured in workplaces that employers had no incentive to make safe.
  • We would still have slaves, which would be so convenient for us white people, because freeing the slaves was so unfair to the slaves who had already died and couldn’t be freed.
  • If we had gone and freed the slaves anyway, we wouldn’t have had to pass the Civil Rights laws because treating people somewhat fairly would have been unfair to the people who were always treated completely unfairly.

These examples only scratch the surface. Why throughout history, even before there was a United States, there were some people who insisted on being unfair to those who came before by improving the lives of the living. If you really stop and think about it, every time we improve someone’s life, we are being unfair to those who came before and didn’t benefit by that improvement. This type of thing has got to stop!

Of course, now that I’m on Social Security and Medicare we can’t possibly think about doing away with them! That would be so unfair to …ME!

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