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Joe Biden semi-goes there

I have in the past, (too lazy to find the post) bloviated about the Democrats failure to call a fascist a fascist. So, it was with somewhat pleasant to read that Joe Biden found his way clear to go half way there:

“It’s not just Trump,” he said at a fundraiser. “It’s the entire philosophy that underpins the — I’m going to say something: It’s like semi-fascism.”

Oddly enough, when Republicans describe Democrats, they don’t use the term semi-socialism.

What’s funny about all this from a rational point of view, is that with some rare or possibly non-existent exceptions, Democratic politicians are sem-socialists at best, while Republicans are full fledged fascists.

Of course I recognize that if you’re going to use the “F” word, you need to supply context. The “socialist” scare technique is losing, or has already lost, its effectiveness with the persuadable voters, given the endless repetition from the Republicans. The way to keep the “F” word relevant is to illustrate the similarities, such as the worship of the Fuehrer figure, the book burnings, the bigotry, etc. It wouldn’t be hard to get some film clips from the 30s to emphasize the point.

Anyway, here’s hoping some of the other Democrats will run with this. People are worried about our democracy, and it’s an issue they can win on.

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